
"Unsubscribe" Weekly Wisdom

An inspirational quote in black letters to the right of a black and white photo of a cute brunette smile.

What are you gifting yourself freedom from?

It was one of those nights I couldn't sleep. I got out of bed and grabbed my phone (which I know, not a great choice but here we are) and I started my "opening my phone ritual" of checking emails, social media and reading articles I have saved in my notes section. For some reason at that exact moment, I had enough. I was on information overload all the time and honestly, it was probably contributing to not being able to sleep. 

So I started to hit unsubscribe. To emails, to newsletters, to reminders and notifications on my phone - all of it. I need less stimulation and need less extra in my life. 

The next day, I also decided I was going to unsubscribe to more in my life. Here are a few: 

- Negative talk - to myself and especially about other people or things. 
- Saying yes to things I do not want to do. I am done doing or being anywhere that I dread. 
- Following people on social media out of respect, even if I don't align with their platform. 
- Trash on television - I am going to stop watching shows putting me in a shitty mood. 

Wow, did I feel better, lighter, free. I have realized, a lot of the angst and irritation in my life comes from things I do to myself. Time to gift myself a little freedom from all the bullshit I entertain. I hope you can do this for yourself too. 

#realization | #EmbracetheHellYeah


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