
"Take the Photo" Weekly Wisdom


An inspirational quote in black letters on a white background surrounded by tiny red and pink hearts.

How many photos on your phone HAVEN'T made it to social media?

A "taking photos" conversation came up in my world recently with some sweet ladies. Some of the highlights:  
  • We talked about why would anyone take photos if you're not going to share them on social media because isn't this the only reason people take photos?  
  • If I don't take a photo they I don't have any way to show off to my friends.
  • Photos of what I did is proof I do cool things. I have to have photos of cool things I do so I have something to talk about with my friends.  
  • I feel like a loser if I don't have awesome things to share on my instagram. 
This made me sad because I truly believe this is what social media has done to our world. The "comparison game" is strong and so is the unrealistic views into peoples lives. Everything can look amazing from a few carefully crafted photos on social media but could be crumbling in the real world. If you have followed along, you know my distain for perfectly poised photos of recipes and food. It is very unrealistic for any of us to live up to the photos we see, we cannot photoshop our real lives in search of perfection. 

Around 99% of the photos on my phone never make it to social media. I use those photos to remind me of the private joys I have, the moments of happiness, the moments of grief, moments I have failed and want to remember so I do better next time, screen shots of conversations with humans I never want to forget and random memories of things with meaning for me. Don't get me wrong, I will share a few glimpses into my world, but the 99% that doesn't make it, that's my reality. 

#realization | #EmbraceTheHellYeah


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