
"There Is More To Life" Weekly Wisdom

An inspirational quote in black letters to the right of a black and white photo of a cute brunette smile.

What Olympic sport do you wished you knew about and would play?

My list:   badminton (I did play this as a kid and loved it, but who knew?), skeet shooting, rugby, table tennis, handball and fencing. None of these were ever discussed or were available for me to play as a more serious sport when I was a kid and that makes me sad. Granted I grew up in a small town and I am sure, resources were very limited. I still think it would have been great to learn about the options or even talk more about the sports of the Olympics. 

I am not sure what it is like in other countries, but I sure would like some insight outside of the American sport culture. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy football, basketball, volleyball, softball, and an occasional baseball game but watching the Olympics every year reminds me there are so many more options. When I was younger, soccer was barely on the radar so I am glad that is making bigger waves in America but I feel we could do better. 

I know there is a cultural component to these other sports. Maybe parents or family members have experience or have done the sport and you were raised doing that sport. I love the lineage of passing along these skills to kids, I wish I had this experience.  I just think it wouldn't hurt for kids like me to learn a little more about other sports outside the American norm. We don't all wear the same clothes or eat the same foods, we shouldn't have to feel we have to play the same sports our country sensationalizes. 

I know it is never too late to try something new and watching the Olympics inspires that for me. I did hear the USA Handball team is in need of members...

#realization | #EmbraceTheHellYeah




"When Things Get Tight" Weekly Wisdom


An inspirational quote in black letters on a white background surrounded by tiny red and pink hearts.

Who wants to join me? 

It has been very lovely and cooler part of summer and I thought today, ooo I am going to slap on a pair of jeans and check my status. Status:  put on hold until October. 

I am aware that in all aspects of life, things are going to get tight - tight jeans are just a small part of the puzzle and I can't let it affect me in a negative way. I have learned the power is how I get out of the tight and sticky situations. 

If you are someone like me who actually puts herself into situations that are not enjoyable, you can easily take yourself out of them. You instantly know when something doesn't feel right and it is ok to politely removed yourself. Don't stay in something or do something that doesn't feel right or brings you joy. 

And that includes jeans. Just take them off or give yourself grace to buy a different pair. 

Be brave. 

#realization | #EmbraceTheHellYeah



"Unsubscribe" Weekly Wisdom

An inspirational quote in black letters to the right of a black and white photo of a cute brunette smile.

What are you gifting yourself freedom from?

It was one of those nights I couldn't sleep. I got out of bed and grabbed my phone (which I know, not a great choice but here we are) and I started my "opening my phone ritual" of checking emails, social media and reading articles I have saved in my notes section. For some reason at that exact moment, I had enough. I was on information overload all the time and honestly, it was probably contributing to not being able to sleep. 

So I started to hit unsubscribe. To emails, to newsletters, to reminders and notifications on my phone - all of it. I need less stimulation and need less extra in my life. 

The next day, I also decided I was going to unsubscribe to more in my life. Here are a few: 

- Negative talk - to myself and especially about other people or things. 
- Saying yes to things I do not want to do. I am done doing or being anywhere that I dread. 
- Following people on social media out of respect, even if I don't align with their platform. 
- Trash on television - I am going to stop watching shows putting me in a shitty mood. 

Wow, did I feel better, lighter, free. I have realized, a lot of the angst and irritation in my life comes from things I do to myself. Time to gift myself a little freedom from all the bullshit I entertain. I hope you can do this for yourself too. 

#realization | #EmbracetheHellYeah