What Olympic sport do you wished you knew about and would play?
My list: badminton (I did play this as a kid and loved it, but who knew?), skeet shooting, rugby, table tennis, handball and fencing. None of these were ever discussed or were available for me to play as a more serious sport when I was a kid and that makes me sad. Granted I grew up in a small town and I am sure, resources were very limited. I still think it would have been great to learn about the options or even talk more about the sports of the Olympics.
I am not sure what it is like in other countries, but I sure would like some insight outside of the American sport culture. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy football, basketball, volleyball, softball, and an occasional baseball game but watching the Olympics every year reminds me there are so many more options. When I was younger, soccer was barely on the radar so I am glad that is making bigger waves in America but I feel we could do better.
I know there is a cultural component to these other sports. Maybe parents or family members have experience or have done the sport and you were raised doing that sport. I love the lineage of passing along these skills to kids, I wish I had this experience. I just think it wouldn't hurt for kids like me to learn a little more about other sports outside the American norm. We don't all wear the same clothes or eat the same foods, we shouldn't have to feel we have to play the same sports our country sensationalizes.
I know it is never too late to try something new and watching the Olympics inspires that for me. I did hear the USA Handball team is in need of members...
#realization | #EmbraceTheHellYeah