
"Inspire Yourself" Weekly Wisdom


Inspirational quote in black letter with red polka dots around it
Where do you look for inspiration?

I don't know if it is just me, but for many years I have been on the quest to find people and things that inspire. Signing up for weekly emails, books, watching documentaries, finding a mentor, attending workshops - all to find the one life-changing thing that will turn the course of my life forever. 

There is a reason why I had not found it. I was looking in all the wrong places. 

Instead of searching high and low for inspiration - search within yourself. It's all there!  All the inspiration you need is right inside of you. Instead of looking to someone else and soaking in their inspiration, create it from yourself. Create inspiration in your daily life, from tiny moments to bigger moments during your day. Maybe inspiration will come from task you perform or a trip you take. 

The keyword is: YOU. 

#quality | #embracethehellyeah


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