
"Be Radiant and Contagious" Weekly Wisdom


What if for one whole day, you choose not to be negative about anything?

Why not make today the day. You will catch yourself because we all do. I know it won't be easy, but I promise, if you make the conscious decision to take negativity out of your day, you will feel the goodness from it. The day will not be perfect, it probably won't be your best day to day but I know you will end the day feeling better than if you let negativity creep in. 

You will become more radiant. 

Your smile will be more sincere and vibrant. You will handle stress easier. You will not sweat the small stuff. People around you will take notice.  People will want to be more like you the more you are this person. 

You will become more contagious. 

Then the next person arounds you stops their negativity, they become contagious and then the people in their circle take note. Doesn't this sound pretty bad ass?  All because you selfishly want to have a better day, a better week, a better month. A BETTER LIFE - it all starts with taking the negativity out of your day to day. 

So today, I want you to keep a little note of chicken scratches to track the number of times you feel those negative thoughts. Keep track, take note and change the frequency.  If it helps, do it daily until the chicken scratches are almost none. Today is the day you become more radiant and contagious, living your most positive life. 

#bigdietitianenergy | #embracethehellyeah


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