
"A Nutritious Lifestyle" Weekly Wisdom

Quote about health in black letters on a white background.

How many times of day do you think of or say the word healthy?

This word gets tossed around a lot and yet there is not a standard definition of healthy. I catch myself thinking it and saying it less than I used to because I have made a conscious decision to phase it out of my vocabulary. Why you may ask?

Healthy is has been beaten to death when it comes to the wellness profession and our society is suffering because of it. People are so confused to what is even considered healthy anymore, because we cannot define it for any one person. We can help define it, create a plan, give them tools to discover what it means to them and guide them along their journey - but we cannot tell them what healthy is. 

I want you to consider this and come with me in changing the way we refer to foods. There is not healthy food, there is nutritious food. Food is something we eat to give us nutrients, therefore there are more nutritious foods than others when it comes to nutrient content. Instead of saying, a banana is more healthy than a candy bar - I change the tune and phrase it as a banana is more nutritious than a candy bar. When we put the term healthy on any foods, it is so confusing when you think of all the diets and specific foods there are out there. Then we can consider the goals of our clients and help them navigate the most nutritious foods they enjoy. 

Let's just try the nutritious approach, I think it healthy should gently exit.

#bigdietitianenergy #embracethehellyeah



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