
Month of Gratitude: "Loving Your Home" Weekly Wisdom


Month of Gratitude:  "Loving Your Home" Weekly Wisdom

What is your favorite room where you live and why?

I want to spend the month of November being more grateful. I have gratitude prompts for each day of the month to think and write about. Each week, I am sharing one of my favorites and hope you will be a gratitude groupie with me. 

My favorite room in my home is my basement because that's where my home gym is. I fought it for years. I thought I really needed the discipline of going to a gym to make me work out and be more compliant. Once I started putting the pieces together and decided to quit my gym, I have never been happier. The gym was not a place I loved to go. There were always too many man buns and unkept beards, dropping weights, groans, people who don't shower, people who drank a keg of beer the night before, people with body image issues, people in unhealthy relationships with themselves and others - more or less, too much negativity and that was rubbing off on me. Less is more. 

All that is my home gym is good vibes, clean equipment, a window that opens and my kitty spotter. 

#embracethehellyeah #monthofgratitude


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