
"Money Can't Buy You Happiness" Weekly Wisdom

"Money Can't Buy You Happiness" Weekly Wisdom

Over the course of the last couple years, has your views on beef changed?

In the past 2 years, there has been a lot of dialogue about agriculture and its effects on the environment. I think this had led to a lot of confusion for all people, including health professionals on how they view food from crop and livestock production. It has gotten a little cloudy and I feel it has taken many of us away from the nutrition these foods provide us. 

I am not here to educate you on how currently, emissions from cattle, including those that come from the feed production, fuel, and electricity only account for 3.7% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. But I want to share why beef is happiness to me. Not only is beef delicious and nutritious, but the beef industry continues to implement numerous proven sustainability practices throughout each and every step of the “pasture-to-plate” process that contribute to the way beef is responsibly raised today.

Being responsibly raised and being full of nutrition is why beef makes me happy. One of the biggest way beef has made me happier is because of my own personal health. Because beef has 10 essential nutrients, it has added back some nutrients I was missing from my diet and I have to share with you my own personal story. 

I love beef and all animal proteins but because of a busy lifestyle, my intake decreased. I wasn't finding less time to cook as much with a crazy work schedule. As a result, I was getting less protein, becoming more fatigued, and noticed a few more strands on my hair brush. This led me to a trip to the doctor and I found out I was iron deficient and I knew I needed more protein in my diet with beef. Sure I could take a supplement but I am a firm believer in food first and beef has protein, iron, selenium, vitamins B12 and B6 and zinc - the major nutrients I was missing for energy, muscle growth, and preventing hair loss. As a dietitian, I know all of these are so important to make sure my brain is working, my hormones and thyroid are functioning properly and to keep my stress levels down. 

Along with increasing my produce intake to 6 servings a day, I increased my lean beef intake to 12 ounces a week for 3 months and noticed a change in all my symptoms including my iron deficiency. Making time to make meals in a non-negotiable and I am happier because I feel better. 

So in a way, maybe money can buy me happiness and health with a delicious burger or a sirloin steak?




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