
"Hot Carb Summer" Weekly Wisdom

What are you doing for vacation this summer?

I just got back from a fun little getaway to Milwaukee with my friend Jason and I LOVED IT! All we planned was booking a hotel and then just winged it when we got there.  It was our #hotcarbsummer getaway inspired by my friend Nicole's genius hashtag with beer, pretzels and desserts. This is not like me to have a spontaneous vacation and it was 100% worth it. 

This summer I think it is more about the vacations and time away we didn't get last year. And it reminds me of the privilege it is to go on vacation. When I was a kid, I got to see a lot of the United States with my family. It may have been in the back of a car or minivan, but they always made time to take us somewhere every summer. We packed our snacks of fruit, Pringles and Skittles, loaded up on batteries for our Walkmans and had our fluffiest pillow ready for the car ride. I was so lucky!  I didn't realize it at the time and may have complained along the way, but I was so lucky.  

It is hard for me to understand the spectrum of family vacations. One end is nothing, families that do not have the resources or the time to go somewhere and then the other way of families going to all inclusive beach vacations or 2 weeks trips to Europe. It is hard for a kid to comprehend their picnic lunch to local park when their best friend is lying on the beach in Mexico with all they care to eat ice cream for a week. I know I would have struggled with it as a kid. 

As an adult, I know a vacation does not need to be an exotic location, or long in length. It just needs to be with the ones you care about the most to decompress, laugh and enjoy your time together. It may be a road trip or a 8 hour flight, it may cost $10 or $10,000 dollars - but there is no price tag for the memories you make. 

Whatever you do for a summer vacation, I hope you feel cute, eat lots of carbs, have all the fun, relax and have an endless supply of Skittles. 




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