
"All Dietitian Jobs Matter" Weekly Wisdom

White background with grey polka dots with the wording of All Dietitian Jobs Matter in black lettering and underlined.

What job do you have as a Dietitian?

There are many places a dietitian can work and ALL of them are important. 

Right now, clinical dietitians are showing up each day during the pandemic for their patients and co-workers. They are on the front lines everyday and I think the world of them. I always have. I was one. Knowing what is it like being in this role, makes me sing the praises of dietitians who have a passion for clinical. There is not one clinical dietitian who ever expected to be millionaire because the job is more about the work they do and the people they serve. Not about the money. 

If you are doing a job because it's all about the money, then you're not focused on big picture. Yes, money is important but there is more to life than money. It might be time to truly look at yourself and see if there is something missing in your life if money is the priority. There are MANY dietitians working in jobs they love regardless of their paychecks. There are many dietitians creating jobs they love, regardless of the paychecks. There is no "one-size-fits-all" dietitian job and do not let anyone make you second guess the career choices you have made as a dietitian. 

There are many dietitians feeling "less than" because they are not making five figures a month or not working in an area of dietetics where it appears the person is "killing it" financially. You are not less- than, you are doing what fills your cup. And if you aren't, then it is time to find the role that will, regardless of what your bank account says at the end of the week. 

All dietitian jobs matter. 



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