
2020 Intention: Deceleration Weekly Wisdom

2020 Intention:  Deceleration Weekly Wisdom

What if all we stopped saying yes to things we don't want to do?

Would the world stop?  No. Would our lives improve?  Yes. 

In my 44th year of life, I have learned to pause before I say yes to anything. It was so engrained in me to be accommodating and say yes to everything asked of me. Until life taught me some hard lessons and saying yes to everything wasn't an option anymore. Our decisions in life should be treated just like in an emergency room.  Patients are triaged from most severe to less severe and everyone does their best to get each of them seen.

How are you triaging the asks and answers of you everyday?  Are you paying enough attention to who and what you are giving your attention too?

This is why deceleration is my intention for 2020. I am not going to say yes to everything and go full speed through another year. I am not going to forget the important things that happened because I was too focused on what was coming up next. I am going to soak up all the time I can with my heartbeats because I will never get that time back with them. I am going to go to the places I have always wanted to go and have those experiences.  I am going to be present in what I am doing at the time. I am going to put my phone away and take mental snapshots instead of the phone being between me and truly making memories.  And I am going to do this all unapologetically and on my own terms. 

We only have this one life to live and I refuse to let it pass me by. 



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