
"What is Your Platform?" Weekly Wisdom

"What is Your Platform?" Weekly Wisdom

If your name was on any ballot, what would your platform be?

What do you think about mine?  I have a few others in mind, more on those later. 

On the regular, there is endless nutrition talk. Starting with what you should eat the first thing when you wake up to what time you should stop eating at night and all the bullshit in between. As a dietitian, why can't we just do what we wanna?  We need to be eating food to nourish our bodies but also our minds. If we are letting all the noise affect our food choices, then it is turning into an unfavorable mental game which I think is SAD. There is enough factors contributing to the state of our mental health, food should be helping it, not hurting it.

There is a place for every food in our lives. Lists like the "Top 10 Foods Every Dietitian Eats" and "25 Foods A Dietitian Will Never Buy" should not exist. We are contributing to the fear of food, we are part of the problem. We need to meet people where they are on their wellness journey and not scare them away. We need to do things like #makecarbsgreatagain. 

I am begging all my fellow dietitians, be part of the solution, not the problem. Use your platform to be a positive force in food. There is plenty of negativity in the world and registered dietitians should not be part it.  

#embracethehellyeah | #lessstuffmorelife| #makecarbsgreatagain


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