
Do You Start Meaningful Conversations? Weekly Wisdom

How Do You Start Conversations that Truly Matter? Weekly Wisdom

Do you start meaningful conversations?

I believe conversations are the root to everything we do. When we engage with others and put forth the effort to actually talk to someone, we can exchange a lot of information occurring in the news, their lives, discuss new ideas and even spark creativity together. To actually talk and have a conversation with meaning seems to be fading with time and technology. 

Where has the art and value of a great conversation gone? 

I think it is very important to create conversations but more importantly, make them truly matter by inquiring, listening and engaging in dialogue relevant to the topic of discussion. This does not mean glancing at your phone, thinking about the next thing you are going to say or crossing you arms to shut yourself off.  This means truly have all eyes and ears open and fully attentive. The topic of the conversation does not need to be anything earth shattering, it could simply be about reviewing the weekend, but it is important to be 100% vested. 

FNCE starts on Saturday. You will be in many conversations. Some will be quick, some will be long. Some will seem genuine, some will seem one-sided. What is going to make the difference is YOUR approach to every conversation you have. Will you make the effort to be present and engaging?  Will you actively listen?  Will you make the first move to talk to someone you really want to meet?  

This is your time to leave an impact with everyone you engage with. Be the person who is unforgettable. Be the person who creates a cozy and confident conversation space. The time will fly during FNCE but the conversations you have, those will last a lifetime. 

#embracethehellyeah | #lessstuffmorelife


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