
Keeping the "Motion" in Emotion

This is one of the most difficult times of year to be active. It is cold outside, it is dark when you head to work and dark when you head home, and the bountiful amount of get-togethers during the holidays with bountiful amounts of food.

And because of all of the above, you may notice a change in your mood during this time of year. This is when it is critical to get moving more. Don't worry if you did not have a perfect eating day or do not plan on having one when the day starts. The more you move, the more your spirits are lifted. You release good endorphins when you are physically active that result in a more happy feeling.

Do not think of a workout as a chore, think of it as a way to keep you happy and energetic. Not only will you help prevent the dreaded holiday weight gain, but you will be able to deal with holiday stress (including family members) in a much more calm and happier way.

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