
Cheese Please!

Living in Iowa, this month is a big deal!  I absolutely love milk, ice cold fat-free milk is my favorite. Every morning, I make a smoothie with this calcium packed beverage.  I am also a huge fan of queso (otherwise known as cheese), which is the focus of National Dairy Month.

Here are some interesting facts about dairy:

-Milk and cheese are the leading sources of calcium in our diets
-Cheese naturally contains protein, calcium and phosphorus, which help you maintain your muscles.
-Cheese provides high-quality protein that, as part of a diet higher in protein, can help you curb hunger.
-One ounce of hard cheese (like cheddar) contains 8 grams of protein; an egg contains 6 grams.

Be careful, cheese can be higher in fat, so choose from all the great tasting and melting 2% or reduced-fat options.

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