
Back to School

Well, yes, finally school has begun! It is a happy time for both parents and kids. When thinking about back to school, we put a lot of time and money into getting all the necessary supplies, including classroom supplies and clothing supplies. Do we put this much thought and money into breakfast and lunches for our back-to-school children?

Whether your child chooses school lunch or brings lunch from home, this is a perfect opportunity to discuss healthy choices. What are "always" foods (foods that you want at each meal time like fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy) or what are "sometimes" foods (foods that you should only eat ever so often like cookies, cakes, potato chips)?

This is a great message to keep incorporating into all meal times, including breakfast and dinner. Pick out the "always" foods and stress the importance of eating healthy with and still enjoying luxury items or "sometimes" foods a couple times during the week.

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