
"Don't Disappoint Yourself" Weekly Wisdom

Inspiration quote in black letters on a white background with a black frame with red slashes

What is something you wish you had done but didn't?

I have seen quite a few clients this past week and we have be talking about how their summer has been, any fun vacations or things that have done with some time off. During a few of those conversations I had, studying abroad during their college years (or a child of theirs studied abroad) which sparked this post. Studying abroad during college was one of the things I wish I would have done. It wasn't as popular or mainstream wayyy back when I was in college but it always was on my mind during those years. To this day I kind of disappointed myself by not pursuing it more. 

There are other things that come up time to time and it does me pause to reflect on being more focused on not disappointing myself moving forward. I know I feel the "could have, should have, would have" on occasion, maybe you do to about things from the past - but why should we have to feel that in our future?

I really do not like letting other people down. I will prevent it at all cost and will go out of my way or compromised my feelings just to make sure I do not let anyone down. Why would I let myself down? Why don't I go out of my way to not disappoint myself? 

Treat yourself, your dreams, your goals, your wants and your desires to do anything as important, if not more important than everyone else in your life. Show them what not disappointing yourself looks like so they don't do it to themselves. 

#bigdietitianenergy | #embracethehellyeah



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