
"Do it or Don't" Weekly Wisdom


An inspirational quote in black letters to the right of a black and white photo of a cute brunette smile.

How difficult is it for you to make a decision?

Decision making is not one of my strengths. The seed needs to be planted and then I need to think and overthink about it for a lonnggggg time. I mean it took me a month to decide on what hinges my doors would have in my house, so you can only imagine how long it takes me to decide on BIG life decisions. 

My man friend has caught on to my delayed decision making and over the years, when he gets a little frustrated with me being able to be timely, all he says to me is:

Do it or don't. 

At first, it really pissed me off because I thought it was too sharp and blunt. As I realized how more often than not did I struggle with making decisions, it really was as simple as that. Pull the trigger or don't - it doesn't have to be any more complicated than that. 

It's estimated that the average adults makes 35,000 decisions a day. A DAY!  Obviously, we have the power to decide on a lot of small things and deep down, we already know the answer to a lot big things.   Excuses are like...

If you have decisions to make, you don't have to start Monday, you can start right now.

#realization | #EmbraceTheHellYeah


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