
"Riding It Till the Wheels Fall Off" Weekly Wisdom

Ride It Until The Wheels Fall Off quote in black letters on a white background with grey polka dots

Do you ever have one of those days full of chaos where all you can do is laugh?

I have had them more often lately, that's for sure and all I can do is think of this quote. I am in it to win it and I am going to ride this until the wheels fall off - whether it be the vessel of my body, my professional life, my personal life - any part of my life. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy to have all of it, even when the wheels get a little rough along the ride. 

And the more things that come at us, the more bumps and bruises those wheels get. It is all about how we fix them and keep going. There will be days I get grumpy, there will be days I will not let it bother me and there will be days I will cry out all the tears left in my eyes. All of these days remind me how far I have come and the strength I have to carry on.

How do you keep going? 

There is so much happening in our world right now. I hope you are finding your place and understanding your purpose in it all. I hope you are weathering the bumps and bruises. But most of all, I hope you know everyone is feeling it. Everyone is trying to keep going, move forward and finding the positive place they can thrive in. Maybe that's what riding it till the wheels fall off means:  keep going, find your peace but don't expect a smooth ride.  Always remember those bumps along the way and find joy in the place you are when the wheels do fall off.         



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