
"Doing This Adulthood Thang" Weekly Wisdom

Funny Adulthood Quote

Have you graduated to having your favorite "adulty" thing like a coffee mug, grocery store or type of toilet paper?

I can say with 100% affirmation, "yes, I sure have." 

And it struck me like a lightening bolt as I was walking in the toilet paper aisle, talking to myself:  "Oh that ones on sale but it's too thick and that ones on sale but it leaves lint all over my floor" - yeah I have become this person, I have become an adult. I am embracing this season in my life where I have figured out I like to drink my coffee in the huge pink, ridiculous coffee mug taking shelter in my cabinet and I have a favorite grocery store and I like the Charmin Soft toilet paper. Consistency is where it is at for me. 

Some of you may not quite be there yet, but trust me it is coming. 

In all aspects of life, we have to try out a lot of different things to realize what we like and don't care for including people and places. This is where we find our cruise control to put focus into other things we want to use our brain power on and without sweating the small stuff. Adulting is all trial and error just like our careers, joys and passions. 

Always keep trying new things, stick with what works and what you like and always stand by your choices. Be consistent, be authentic and adult any way you like. 

#embracethehellyeah | #lessstuffmorelife


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