
"Everything is Better with Cheese" Weekly Wisdom

National Dairy Month

Is milk or cheese a key component to your family meals?

They were at my house when I was growing up and still are. I remember milk was always served at every meal and for me it had to be super cold. I would make sure it was stored in the back of the refrigerator because I wanted it cold. Milk helped me get down a few veggies I didn't care for in my youth, made breakfast my favorite meal of the day by accompanying my favorite bowl of Life cereal and I always enjoyed a "special treat" of a gallon of chocolate milk (when it was on sale) and poured with 1/2 glass of white milk to make it last longer (and reduced the sugar per Mom). 

Now as an adult, I don't know if milk is always on the table but cheese is!  I think the explosion of charcuterie plates has made me the happiest human alive. I have grown to really appreciate cheese, the different flavors, how it accompanies certain foods and brings out different nuances I would have not appreciated as a child. I can't remember the last time I bought an American slice of cheese but as of right now, I have a nicely aged Parmigiano-Reggiano and fresh mozzarella just waiting for me. And a fun fact for you all, during a day of podcasting, you can find me settling in for the day with a little personal sized charcuterie plate to fuel my day. 

It’s National Dairy Month – a perfect time to enjoy healthy, delicious dairy foods. Dairy is the milk in your cereal, the cheese on your pizza, the yogurt in your morning smoothie. Dairy is part of all the things you love to eat and are shared at some of the most special moments in your life. Enjoy your favorite dairy foods today and everyday. 

Did you know dairy is responsibly produced? 97% of dairy farms are family-owned and -operated. Dairy farmers are committed to caring for their cows, the land and the environment to bring you the dairy foods you love.  Did you know the chocolate milk you’re enjoying might be a part of a larger sustainability story? One gallon of milk is now produced with 90 percent less land and 65 percent less water than it was decades ago. Satisfying your sweet tooth while helping the environment? That’s a win-win. Through the use of innovative and safe technology, the dairy industry delivers exceptional animal care, quality nutrition and the freshest products around.

My favorite thing about dairy?  It is local. The dairy community has a strong, positive impact on local communities across the country. Dairy farming and the dairy industry are responsible for nearly 1 million jobs in the United States and since most people live within 100 miles from a local dairy farm, dairy products are one of the freshest items you can buy. Milk is the perfect example of a fresh, farm-to-table product, taking less than 48 hours to go from the farm to the dairy aisle. And since 97 percent of dairy farms are family-owned and operated, you can feel good about supporting your local community through dairy.

Happy National Dairy Month!

#embracethehellyeah | #lessstuffmorelife


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