
Weekly Wisdom and Top 5 "I Got Game" Nutrition Noshes

Nosh One. Wisdom.

Inspirational Quote by John Wooden

Do you take the time to do things right?  Do you invest yourself and energies precisely and without error? Rarely, do we ever get do-overs on the big things in life which makes "doing it right the first time" so important.  There are many things I reflect back on and wish I would have been truly invested with 100% effort, 100% of the time. 

Time is our biggest currency and how we spend it dictates if we are doing things the right way for ourselves.  Tomorrow is never promised, how invested are you in your today?  How fast did you rush out the door and how did you say goodbye to your loved ones?  Did you enjoy your lunch and choose the right foods to nourish yourself?  Did you say you were sorry for that one thing you should be sorry for? 

If you're going to do something, be all in, whatever it is. You don't want it to be 10 years later and wish you would have done it right the first time. 

Nosh Two. Weekly Conversation.

Conversations with Anne Elizabeth Podcast on Itunes

Changing things up a bit in 2018 with a monthly conversation check-in with your host and yours truly, me!

Each week, I put out my Weekly Wisdom Blog which includes my wisdom, conversations, week in review, workout playlist of the week and what I love right now. At the end of each month, I want to get more up close and personal with you all on the other side of the airwaves. I will be recapping my crazy, delicious and random as hell adventures as well as having a conversation with you all on this side of the mic.

Connect and let me know what you think by emailing me or connecting with me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

Nosh Three. Week In Review.

What a crazy last couple of weeks it has been. I should be prepared for this as a registered dietitian by now, right? January tends to be filled with lots of events and clients ready to start the new year off right. I always enjoy my Sunday mornings when its my turn for a regular spot on KCCI morning news.

Photo of a news segment setup

We talked about protein powders and how to choose and incorporate into a healthy lifestyle. This is a subject near and dear to my heart because I start each day with a smoothie or smoothie bowl. I usually am crunched for time in the morning and this is an easy way for me to get the right post-workout fuel to sustain me through the morning. 

Photo of smoothie bowls

My Mom actually inspired the idea for a smoothie bowl because I have been on her for not getting enough protein each day. She did not really care for drinking the protein powder but rather mixing a scoop in with her yogurt and mixing in her favorite toppings. I have seen many beautiful smoothie bowl creations on social media and I admire them from afar. This is my attempt at fancy on the right and the anchor, Alyx, choose to be more carefree with her toppings. Whatever floats your boat as I say (a lot, ha!)...the full video is below for your viewing pleasure. 

After early morning TV, I called up my friends to see if anyone was up for brunch because I am rarely awake and moving on Sunday morning this early. Surprisingly, everyone was up for it!  Happy day. We decided to hit up a new spot, Eggs and Jam in West Des Moines, IA

Photo of breakfast restaurant

Photo of inside a restaurant

I loved the vibe as soon as I walked in. Eggs and Jam has a 90s hip hop and southern hospitality theme with the murals and music to match. How can you not love the entrance with West Toast and East Toast on each side?  Brilliant. 

Mural wall

Mural Wall

Then there is the menu with genius names for their items. I wanted to order my breakfast just on the name alone. I was wavering between Baby Got Biscuit under the Bisc-A-Lot section, Back That Taco Up and the Southern Hospitality. 

Funny menu items named after 90s music

There is even a Vegan menu with Taco Like It's Hot and don't forget the sides, I will have a Phat Stacks please. Seriously, I couldn't choose. 

Funny menu items named after 90s music

Photo of funny coffee mug

Coffee is served appropriately in a fun mug and the coffee was delicious. 

Photo of breakfast omelet with fruit

I will for sure be going back to Eggs and Jam. I have TV again in March and I am already putting my friends on call for brunch that day. 

Nosh Four. Workout Playlist of the Week.

Protein powders, smoothie bowls, 90s hip hop and being in the midst of basketball season, was the inspiration behind this weeks playlist. I may have even shot some hoops this past week (whoa, so rusty) and had flashbacks of these sweet jams. Playlist available on Apple Music and Spotify. Enjoy!

Photo of music playlist

Nosh Five. What I Love Right Now. 

I get asked all the time what I have for breakfast in the morning and when I tell them a smoothie, I do share with them what I add to it. Spinach, milk, Performance Inspired Vanilla Performance Whey and chia seeds, maca powder, matcha powder, and my favorite powdered multivitamin from MOCU Health. I have tried MANY whey powders and I really do like this one. My tummy tolerates it well because of the probiotics, it is 3rd party tested which makes me more confident about the ingredients and it TASTES SO GOOD!  It is not chunky or chalky and has a rich vanilla bean flavor so it blends great with all kinds of fruits and mix-ins. I look forward for this baby every day and I do love this whey protein. This photo happened on set because I accidentally dropped the container and I also really love my red chucks, don't you? Business on the top, party on the bottom!

Photo of protein powder and red chucks


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