
Weekly Wisdom and Top 5 Completely Random Nutrition Noshes

Nutrition Nosh One. Wisdom. 

Discovery Quote

The person I am becoming...I guess I have been becoming this person for a while now but a variety of "happenings" has helped further along the process. I am taking ownership for all the heartache, the disappointment, the sadness, the bullshit and mistakes that have happened. I will never let it happen again and I am not going to feel sorry for myself or be a Debbie downer. I am going to choose to conquer, rise above it all, no matter the cost. It will cost me and I am great with that. I choose ME. I am choosing to be selfish and only put my energies into energies giving back. We are all destined for greatness. I am destined for greatness. You are destined for greatness. The power of choice is all we have at the end of the day. How will you choose to keep becoming? How will you choose always choose yourself? It starts right now, at this very moment. Don't wait until tomorrow or Monday or January.  I am always going to choose me, are you? #hellyeah

Nutrition Nosh Two. Weekly Conversation.

Conversations with Anne Elizabeth Podcast

My conversation today is with Registered Dietitian, Alison St. Germain

Alison has had a very interesting start when she was deciding what to study in college. She starting out wanting to be a lawyer and then dietetics found her. She has worked in a variety of settings from long term care and private practice to her current role with the Dietetic Internship with Iowa State University. Along the way, she has found her passion for body kindness, intuitive eating and volunteering with different student organizations while she is also raising 2 daughters. Alison has a strong fire burning inside her for our profession and I hope it fires up something inside of you.

Connect with Alison:  alisonst@iastate.edu

Nutrition Nosh Three. Week in Review. 

Thank goodness I have gotten a large capacity phone because I have taken a ton of photos lately. I sometimes crack myself up with the variety I have in my photo album and think "wth was I doing" when I took that? I want to share some of the photos I have taken this past week because they have really resonated to the person I am becoming. Simple things touch me and mean more to me than anything and I am really going to take on the mantra of "less stuff, more life."

Sunroof Buick Verano

I had a client in my office a few weeks ago and we were talking about the beautiful day outside. She was telling me about how she loves to listen to music and drive home with the sunroof open in her car during days like this. It dawned on me, I have a sunroof and I do not think I have opened it once in 2017. Redic. I kind of forgot about my revelation and our conversation until this week. It has been warm and lovely in the evenings and I am busting open the sunroof and all the feels coming with it. Thank you to my client and friend for reminding me about something so wonderful. 

Kind Snacks Sugar Visual on Times Square

This past week, I was very moved by KIND Snacks. I have always been a fan of Kind Snacks because their products are delicious, wholesome and quality (very similar to how I like my life) and I am a nutrition ambassador for them because I believe in their mission and food. In Times Square, they created this visual of the amount of added sugar children in the U.S. are consuming every 5 minutes, 45,485 pounds!  Are you kidding me? I mean I kind of guessed it was outrageous being a dietitian but this ridiculous?  It is time for a change. A big one. 

Kind Snacks Fruit Bites

KIND is creating foods kids (and adults) will love, like these fruit snacks. These fruit snacks are made with fruit, shocker!  There is no fake gel type shapes of cartoons or movie characters, just pure dried fruit ingredients and no added sugar. No need to fortify with Vitamin C for some type of health claim. I absolutely recommend these to all ages. 

The Scoop on Added Sugar KIND Snacks

If you haven't really taken a look at the added sugars in your food, you really should. A few grams here and there can add up to big numbers at the end of the day and this is not just for kids!  If you are finding yourself crashing during the day, being mentally foggy, having difficulty focusing, pants are constantly tight and you feel bloated, it might be time to take a look at the added sugar in your life, it may be in foods you never thought it was in. 

Monster Zucchin

A special young lady spoiled me with this monster zucchini. I cannot wait to zoodle it up and make up bags for my freezer for some easy meals that I will be sharing. 


She also gave me these delicious cucumbers I ate at least 6 different ways. I will be eating my last one tonight (insert tear falling down my left cheek). I am so grateful for these garden eats. 

MOCU Health Kombucha for Allergies

This summer has been wild for my allergies and I am still going strong with the help of MOCU Health Kombucha. Seriously, have you given it a try yet?  I can already feel fall (and winter) fast approaching and I feel more confident than ever my immune system is going to be a badass. I do not fear the sniffles or sore throat. My favorite flavor this week is the Acai Blueberry. I also am so happy they come in large bags for at home (all you need is water and 1 1/3 tablespoons and the magic happens) and for the individual pouches for travel (and airplane cooties). If you haven't tried it yet, go to their website and order yours with a special discount code Anne20 when you check out to get 20% off your order. Promise you will LOVE it!

I am sharing this because I really think it is awesome and you might think I am crazy (you will think I am crazy)...I have been continuing to work on my "less stuff, more life" by going through boxes and things in my home. I seem to have a bunch of fancy crystal I am not using. Through the process, there were a few things I liked but really had no use for and then I remembered I have this fur baby. Lil g could use some new dishes to dine and drink out of, so why not purpose those for her?  The best part is gangster kitty enjoys the fresh water from my daily morning shower, so her beautiful new crystal bowl resides there to quench her thirst, while she enjoys her sensitive tummy food (yes, my kitty has food allergies, go figure) with a lot of love in the shape of a heart. 

Food and Nutrition Magazine Rotisserie Review

I was excited to see my rotisserie review for Food and Nutrition Magazine come to life this week! Damn it was a great tasting chicken. 

Dinner made with love

The week ended with a big smile on my face. I accomplished a lot of important things. Simple things with a big impact. To enjoy the sun, to be given food grown with love, to be inspired by a purpose, to find joy in sharing beauty, and to see your talents being published. This is what becoming the woman I am is all about. Then there was this meal. The food was good but the company and conversation was great. This is what life is all about. 

Nutrition Nosh Four. Workout Playlist of the Week. 

This weeks playlist is composed of new songs I have taken a liking to.  Apple music gets me. Apple music also knows my ass was dragging this past week and this was just what I needed. 

Apple Music Workout Playlist of the Week by Anne Elizabeth

Nutrition Nosh Five. What I Love Right Now.

I get the opportunity to work with great food AND great people, including this guy, Chef Andrew. Each week he has a great segment on a local TV station KCCI called Get Cooking with Hy-Vee and comes up with a variety of great eats. This month, we partnered up with beef as the Hy-Vee Dietitian Pick of the Month and made Burger Bowls. I love this idea. It is a simple dinner idea and you can use any type of toppings your tribe likes. Make sure to catch the video above for your burger bowl inspo and to follow all of Chef Andrews creations on his Facebook Page.

Grilled Burger Bowls with Grilled Summer Veggies
Serves 2
Recipe courtesy of Chef Andrew with Hy-Vee

All you need:

  *   2 (5-oz each) 85% lean hamburger patties
  *   Salt and pepper, to taste
  *   1 red onion, sliced thick
  *   1 zucchini, sliced into wedge quarters
  *   8 asparagus spears
  *   1 red pepper, seeded and cut into triangles
  *   4 mushrooms, sliced thick
  *   2 tbsp Hy-Vee Select garlic flavored olive oil
  *   4 cups fresh greens, such as spring mix, spinach, baby kale or arugula
  *   3 tbsp feta cheese
  *   Yogurt based dressing of choice, such as creamy roasted garlic or caramelized sweet onion

All you do:

  1.  Preheat grill to medium high. Season burgers with salt and pepper and set aside.
  2.  Place veggies on a plate and evenly drizzle with garlic olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill burgers and vegetables until desired doneness for both and keep covered while assembling salad.
  3.  To assemble, place 2 cups of mixed greens into two bowls. Evenly divide vegetables on top of mixed greens and finish with grilled burger, feta cheese and desired dressing. Serve immediately.


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