
Wisdom Wednesday

I think a lot of us spend time organizing our closets, homes, cars and offices but do you ever take the time to organize all the thoughts swirling around in your head?  I have days where there is just too much to think about.  I know need to take some time to organize what is happening up there to create a plan to deal with tornado in my noggin. Last night, it involved a late night run to get it done, but I accomplished a little "fall cleaning" and am ready to conquer the day. Tis the season to get refocused and kick some ass!

I have started working on a few passion projects I am getting extremely excited (and nervous) to reveal to the world. Nothing is perfect but it is mine and comes from such a passionate place in my inner being. There is nothing like spending time doing things you love. I cannot wait to share it with you all. 

The last few weeks have been filled with special moments with my heartbeats. They contribute to me living out my passions and help to give me the energy to keep moving forward. We celebrated Justin's birthday with cocktail club. It has been a while since we all got together for cocktail club. Justin got a few fun gifts. He is ready for future downpours!  I was a little swamped before the party, so a stop at the local Kum & Go enabled me to bestow a frozen pizza and ice cream for a late night snack as my gift for the birthday boy (second favorite foods with Jimmy Johns being #1).  Our pretty pink drinks were delish!  I think the Pink Lady and the Bradshaw headed to the top of the 2016 list. 

September is Family Meals Month and as a registered dietitian, I truly believe in the power of dining with your family. It is a great way to stay connected with everyone, have meaningful conversations and take time to eat!  Kids that have family meals do better in school and are more likely to stay away from drugs and alcohol. I enjoyed a nice meal with kitty cat "lil g" and continue to hope she grows up doing well in school and staying out of trouble. She is making her momma proud so far!

We dinned on steak, a lovely baked potato, tomatoes, blueberries and Purina One.

I thought I was getting ready for my annual blog of the live music I attended this past year, but one more crept up on my radar. I have been recently introduce to an artist I am really loving, Sturgill Simpson. I received an email that he is going to be in concert in Des Moines, so I instantly wanted tickets, only to find out he sold out the day the tickets went on sale back in May. Through my sweet work connection, Kim, she helped me find tickets and I can't wait for more live music to feed my soul!

As summer has ended, it was nice to sit out on a patio on a beautiful fall day with these heartbeats. Pictures like this constantly remind me of how lucky I am in life to know some amazing people. I would have never met any of these fine gents if I did not take a huge leap in my life and move to Des Moines. Turns out ones of my biggest fears turned into one of my biggest successes. Having special people in my life really help with keeping my mind and thoughts more settled. They remind me everything is going to be ok, no matter how overwhelming life is. They also remind me to laugh, A LOT!  There are no moments more priceless than laughing with the people you love who love you back. 

Be great always, find the joy in each day and start a conversation that truly matters. 

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