
Week in Review: The Dish on Dairy

This week was rejuvenating and full of so much priceless information, my brain is still processing all of it. I was invited back to the Dairy Ambassador Conference as one of their nutrition communicators. Last year was invigorating and this year proved to be the same. All I wanted to do is sit back throughout the workshop and just gain knowledge of the amazing people who also were a part of this life-changing experience.

Being a dietitian can sometimes be one sided and this conference has opened me up to really wanting more knowledge about the food I consume and recommend to my customers. It is so important to "tell the story." We all have our own wellness journey and so does our food. I truly believe dairy foods are the most wholesome and well-balanced foods on the market. These foods are not only cost-effective, but give you the most bang for your buck when it comes to nutritive value. Who can beat a glass of milk for $0.25 that is full of 9 essential nutrients?  A glass of soda or juice does not even compare in cost or nutrition. Low-fat and fat-free milk should be a go-to grab in our homes and on the go. 

I had the privilege to be amongst other dietitians but also dairy farmers and moms. I learned so much about the sacrifice these individuals make each day to provide healthy dairy products to their customers. Dairy farming does not stop or have vacation time. These girls need attention all day long and need to be tended to all day to keep producing fresh and nutritive products. Milk is one of the freshest products in the grocery store; farm to shelves in around 2 days. I also learned a ton about the different types of farms, milking times, feeding times and new technology some farmers are using. So amazing!  

My team created Cinnie, our dairy goddess. Without these pretty amazing women, I would still be in the dark of what care they put into their livelihood and the product I consume from the shelf. Knowing where my food comes empowers me as a dietitian and knowing it comes from the hands of these beautiful and inspiring women, bestows the joy to help tell their story. Thank you team Cinnie: Becky, Janet, Brenda and Cindy for making this week "dairy" good! 

Bode Dairy and Feedlot Company

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