
Fruit First, Any Day!

I really like this years theme for National Nutrition Month. Eating Right with Color is something we strive to do, but seem to not achieve on a regular basis. I know I am challenged each day with getting in my vegetables. I love fruit! I asked my mom if she gave me fruit before vegetables when I was a baby, and she did. I guess there is something to "first foods" for baby. I do not blame her though, because she just needed me to eat.

So, during this month, I am not only challenging you, but I am challenging myself to eat more colors of the rainbow when it comes to vegetables. This week, I have been making yummy dishes with cabbage. I am making a hot and sour slaw to put on fish tacos for dinner tonight, you can find the recipe on www.hy-vee.com. A great combo of red peppers, scallions and napa cabbage, with grilled swai fish and whole wheat tortillas. A easy, tasty way to get vegetables.

Remember to add color and make your plate half vegetables and fruit at each meal. You will be well on your way to eating right with a plethora of color!

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