
UGHHH...my tummy hurts :(

Well, we have survived the holidays... so far. We have dealt with cooking, cleaning, and of course, relatives. We thought the worst was over, until we glance down at our bellies and think, 'Wow, I'm more bloated than a blow fish!' There seems to be no cure, with the never ending Thanksgiving treats laying around the house and our lazy bums on the couch watching TV specials. But why end this time of luxury? Here are some helpful tip to prevent excess water retention: First, eat and drink well. This will decrease the amount of air you take in. Secondly, chew your food all the way and try not to talk while eating. No one likes to see a mouth full of food anyway. Also, putting lemon in your water is a natural diuretic, so drink lots of water to keep hydrated. Fiber is a great way to get your bowels moving. It prevents constipation and helps to maintain a healthy weight. It also helps keep blood sugar stable during meals with higher carbohydrate and sugar.

Guest Blogger, Mireya Del Carpio

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