
Pots, pots and more pots....

It's spring! Thank goodness! This is such a re-newing time of year, brown turns green, flowers pop up from the once frozen ground (frozen in Iowa) and the beautiful sun stays out longer.

Now that April is around the corner, it's time to re-energize our nutrition life as well. This year, why not get a pot of soil and plant something to enjoy over the summer months?

Each year, I have a herb pot, an onion and chive pot and a tomato pot. I do not have to commit to a garden, and I can decorate my patio with pots full of flavor. You can start small by growing a mini farmer's market and eating local in your own backyard.

It's also fun to get your kids involved and let them plant a pot of their own. It will teach them about where food comes from, how it grows and the responsibility of keeping it alive until it's ready to eat.

I can't wait for the garden center at Hy-Vee to open next week, planting, here I come!

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