
"Do Your Best" Weekly Wisdom


An inspirational quote in black letters on a white background surrounded by tiny red and pink hearts.

What do you "do?"

You know the drill. When you meet someone new, the small talk begins and right after you share your name and a little small talk about the day or weather - the infamous question arises:  What do you do?

Our default is always our job. We are so much more than our job and we should never limit our answer to just what we do for work. Why not share more about what you do? Share with others your other passions, hobbies, activities/sports, parenting humans or pets, or in my case - I do my best. 

Defining yourself never needs to be limited. All the things you do make you the stunning person you are. Careers are important and in my younger years, I thought it was the only thing that made me, me. Now, it is the last thing that makes me, me. 

I challenge you in a next new meeting, before you talk about your job, talk about what lights you up. That's what you "do."

#realization | #EmbraceTheHellYeah


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