
Weekly Wisdom and Top 5 Live Life to the Fullest Nutrition Noshes

Nutrition Nosh One. Wisdom.

Some Days are Diamonds, Some Days Are Rocks, Some Doors Are Open, Some Roads Are Blocked - Tom Petty

As I was getting pretty this morning, I kept dropping everything: my toothbrush, my mascara, even my curling iron (pure talent right there) all ended up on the floor. I caught myself cussing and complaining out of pure frustration for these trivial occurrences in my 
pretty low key and uneventful morning. 

What in the hell was I complaining about?  

Some days are going to be richly positive and confidently shine.  Some days are going to be hard and challenge your patience. Some days are going to rock your world up, down and inside out. 
Some days are going to make you realize your bullshit complaining in the morning for dropping things is beyond ridiculous. 

Every day should be full of mindfulness and being aware of every moment. It's all happening, whether you like it or not. How you handle it and how you prevent it from consuming you is all dependent on your mindset. 

Nutrition Nosh Two. Weekly Conversation. 

Conversations with Anne Elizabeth Podcast on iTunes

My conversation today is with Registered Dietitian Jody Gatewood

Jody and I met through our great state affiliate the Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is taking on planning the annual meeting for next year and I admire her a ton for her willingness to do this. The ironic part of our conversation is that she never planned on staying in Iowa and she has made a comfy home with her husband and 2 kids and is thriving in her career with the Iowa State University Extension.  Since I have recently found an interest in the role of Registered Dietitian role in university extension and wish I would have been aware of all the possibilities available to RD’s, I wanted to learn more and learn about the great things Jody is doing professional. She  is very passionate about educating and working with Iowans in a group setting and has had a integral role in developing a program called Spend Smart. Eat Smart (which you can access through the link below).

Connect with Jody:  jodyg@iastate.edu and check out the Spend Smart. Eat Smart website and 
download the app, I use it all the time now!

Conversations with Anne Elizabeth Podcast Giveaway

Don't forget about entering my Podcast Anniversary Giveaway!  Go to www.anneelizabeth.com and enter! Registration is open until October 31st. 

Nutrition Nosh Three. Week in Review.

Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting

This past week was awesome!  The Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics had their 2017 Annual Meeting:  Wellbeing Powered By Nutrition and close to 300 Super Hero Registered Dietitians gathered to network, learn and eat!

Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Dietitian Meeting

I am more appreciative of all of those who volunteer for leadership positions as I am transitioning out of the Board and Council this year. As I took this photo, I am amazed by the expertise and super powers of these outstanding professionals. 

Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Outgoing Leadership

During our awards luncheon, I was able to stand with my "peeps" one last time as I exit my service as Prez-Elect, Prez and Past-Prez. It was 3 years, but this exciting time in my life flew by and I am very grateful for the experience and grateful for all of my peers who made it a great 3 years. 

Anne Elizabeth RD Gift Basket with MOCU, RxBars, NicksSticks and Daelmanns StroopWaffels

It was fun to also donate a gift basket with my book and products from my podcast sponsors, 
MOCU Health, Daelman's Stroopwafels and Nicks Sticks. I got a sweet note from the "winner" of the basket and I hope she agrees to do a podcast with me!

Registered Dietitian Members of the Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

It was a great day of networking with all the new friends and connections I have made with the phenomenal group of Registered Dietitians. I actually got to take a step back and really take it all in. I  feel proud to be a Registered Dietitian in Iowa and I am extremely proud of all the strides this organization has made over the years. 
I am looking forward to the future with these young and powerful leaders. 

National Taco Day

After the meeting was over, I was pretty much exhausted and ready to recharge. Thankfully National Taco Day was the day following the meeting and it was just the "charge" I needed! I dined on tacos with my friend Jason and him Mom, Connie. What a great way to celebrate! I personally think every day should be National Taco Day, maybe alternated with National Pizza Day. 
Hmmmm, now we're talking....who do I need to call to get this arranged?

Nutrition Nosh Four. Workout Playlist of the Week. 

I know I excitedly had a Tom Petty Workout Playlist after I saw him and The Heartbreakers in concert in June but I just had to do another one. TP will always be one of my favs and I am so glad I had the opportunity to see him one last time. RIP Tom. 

Playlist available on Apple Music and Spotify

Tom Petty Workout Playlist of the Week on Apple Music and Spotify

Nutrition Nosh Five. What I Love Right Now.

Hey, Good Cookies, Spirit Lake, Iowa

One of the amazing women I have met through the Iowa Academy brought me the most delicious cookies from where she lived to our annual meeting when I was President a couple of years ago. I kind of think Hey, Good Cookies should really change their name to Hey, Great, Divine and I want to eat the whole box, Cookies. 

Hey, Good Cookies, Spirit Lake, Iowa

After our Board and Council meeting this year, Tina, the sweetest gal I know, glides my way with the green and white box of goodness. I am still warm and fuzzy from this thoughtful and kind gift. 

Hey, Good Cookies, Spirit Lake, Iowa

This adorable box was full of 6 sweet and delicious cookies:  chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, snickerdoodle, chocolate peanut butter, sugar with sprinkles and monster. Not one of them had any calories all they were full of was joy. Tina, you absolutely made my day, well actually my week because I spread the love and enjoyed a cookie each day. I think every day should have a cookie in it. The best part is I can order them online and have them delivered. 


1 comment:

  1. I am Shelley from Los Angeles,California, I want to testify on how i got cured from cervical dystonia, I have suffered from cervical dystonia since the year 2011 with so mush pain,that i have to spend so mush money getting pain relief in the hospital, and I have visited several doctor ,but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end because of the constant muscle contractions and pain , until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal Dr Williams who use herbal portion in curing people from different kind of diseases including dystonia, at first i doubted if it we be able to cure me, but i decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was completely free from dystonia just for 1 months of usage,i we recommend this to all my friend family in the world today who still suffering from dystonia you can contact him through his email on drwilliams098675@gmail.com for help.
