
"More Inside, Less Outside" Weekly Wisdom

An inspirational quote in black letters on a white background surrounded by tiny red and pink hearts.

Is your inside matching your outside?

I admire people who always look so put together. They appear to be very organized and have a great flow with their day to day. I picture them laying out their clothes the night before after a fantastic dinner they had time to prepare and then fall to sleep flawlessly preparing them generously for their amazing next day. But then I wonder, do they really have their shit together or does it just look that way? Are they really experiencing all the intricate layers of life?

I know I talk a lot about passion and I will be honest, I am not sure where my passion is right now in this very moment. I go through this different layers in my life and that's when my focus shifts. I tend to emphasize the outside polish and I do not give attention to what my insides need. I am not nurturing my passion right now in my life - and I know this is not good. 

Polish and passion can co-exist but if you are more focused on how you appear to everyone around you, it will never make you feel complete inside. You can buy new clothes, get facials and massages, a fresh hair do, whatever it is - it is only temporary and you will still feel like something is missing. You will tell people you are fine, life is good but deep down, you already know none of this is true. 

If the outside is looking great and you're still feeling empty, it's time to polish up the inside and find out what your passion is in this layer of your life. 

#realization | #EmbraceTheHellYeah



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