
Weekly Wisdom and Top 5 Be My Valentine Nutrition Noshes

Nosh One. Wisdom. 

Inspiration quote about Valentine's Day

Happy day of hearts, love, pink, red, flowers, candy, balloons, gifts, special dinners, romance and all the mushy good stuff. What are you doing today, for the ones you love AND for yourself?

One of my best Valentine's Day was when I was in 2nd grade. I came home from school, ran up to my bedroom and there, on my bed, was the Care Bear Love-A-Lot. I still remember the love I felt that day, my parents and sister were the best Valentines. I love this holiday, but not because of the reasons you may think. Valentine's Day has been a bit dicey in my world when boys were a thing in my life. The numerous"expectations" I had in my youth of what my significant other should do for me on this holiday really never happened. It was my expectations that let me down, not the other person. 

It was then and there, I told myself to stop the notion of expecting others to give me what I want and what I need. I started doing things for myself, loving myself and stopped expecting people to love me a certain way or being anything else in my life but along for the ride. So on this day, these are my plans because I love me the most.  This is the best love you can ever have. 

Nosh Two. Weekly Conversation. 

Conversations with Anne Elizabeth Promo Photo Episode 61

Today’s conversation is with Lucas Sjostrom, a farmer and passionate professional working for
Minnesota dairy farmers

Last September I was fortunate to attend a RDN Farm Tour Summit hosted by Midwest Dairy and the National Pork Board in Minneapolis, MN. I was very excited because I had the opportunity to tour both dairy and pork farms to learn more about farming practices in the Midwest. Part of the tour took me to Sjostrom Farms, a dairy farm in Lafayette, MN where I met Steve and his son Lucas. Not only is Lucas a Lucas is a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a part-time farmer, the Industry Relations Director for Midwest Dairy, the Executive Director of the Minnesota Milk Producers Association, and last but not least a tour guide at Redhead Creamery, which his wife is the President and CEO.

Connect with Lucas by email at Midwest Dairy and on Twitter @Lucas_MN_Dairy

Nosh Three. Heartbeats in Review. 

Photo of Valentine's Day cards

Ok, I really do love Valentine's Day because I get to celebrate all the important people in my life and tell them how much I love them. Each year, I send out valentines to my heartbeats, so if any of them are reading this before they get their mail today, surprise my loves!  Today, I am not going to review my week. I am going to give a more formal and as short as possible introduction to my heartbeats. 

Photo of Mother and Daughter in Michigan

My #1 Valentines are my family, specifically this beautiful lady, my Mom, Ruth. This woman is the most important woman in my life with my sister, Kate being a close second. My Mom and I share many similarities and many differences, which I love about us. I have been her strong-willed child from day one and she just kept loving me harder to be the woman I am today. I admire her for being an Air Force wife, moving all over the world with little kiddos, staying home with us to make sure we had a great childhood, cooking with love every day, putting up with my teenage attitude, encouraging me through college and just being there as much as she could for me. She is strong, funny, gorgeous, stubborn, savvy, hardworking and embracing life. What more could I ask for in a Mom? Today, I know she is missing the other 2 loves of her life, but I am very grateful for us today. 

Photo of married couple

Family dynamics are always interesting. I am one of the youngest grandkids on both sides of my family and some of my cousins are 10+ years older in me. Growing up, I did not have a lot in common with many of them. Mostly, I was just a spoiled little brat who was annoying. In 1989, I was scheduled to be confirmed and I was to choose a sponsor and confirmation name. This was a pretty big decision but I instantly knew who I wanted it to be. It wasn't because I was really close to Christine, but I admired her and looked up to her. She was so smart and in college, she was pretty (and still is and I loved her blonde hair), she was athletic and she was spunky. I think when she became my sponsor and I took her name, her and I really started to develop our friendship. When I was in college, she graciously opened her home to me for a place to live. She was a young professional, bought her first home and let a crazy college kid move in. Who does that? She has given me tough love when I needed it, she has listened to happy, frustrated and sad times in my life and she has given me a friendship I am so lucky to have. 

Photo of best friends

Next up are my Galentines!  And this particular one, my frista Carlena. Back in October of 1997, I was a junior in college and looking for a part-time job. My friend Jennifer was working at a Dermatology clinic and knew of an opening in Medical Records. On my first day, there was this adorable blond (what is up with me having crushes on blondes) with curly curly hair who also would be starting in Medical Records. As we were going through orientation, we were allowed a break and she looks at me and says "do you smoke" and the rest is history!  There are not many people who you are not related to that makes you feel like family. Carlena has been family from day one. I feel I was meant to meet here as if it was our destiny. I never really knew how much I enjoyed laughing, until I met Carlena. We laugh and laugh and laugh. We share the same humor and we know what each other is thinking without saying it. We worked together for almost 10 years, every day, and would call each other after work or go to each others homes in the evening. We don't get sick of each other. How crazy awesome??? This lady has been my biggest cheerleader, my biggest supporter, my therapist at many times and my rock. I can't wait to be her roommate when we are old and gray, in the retirement home to continue our shenanigans. 

Photo of best friends

You know that song by Train, Hey Soul Sister...well this is Brenda and I's song. In 2000, I was doing my internship and was placed at Creighton University Medical Center with this beauty as my preceptor. I kind of recognized her from some of my dietetic classes I took but I never officially met her. I remember her in those classes and she always looked gorgeous and put together. We instantly clicked during my internship and I learned a ton from her. When I was hired toward the end of my internship, we became co-workers and were at-work friends. A few years later, Brenda took a different job and I didn't speak with her anymore. She received a phone call at work one day that I thought was important and I called her at home. Little did I know this would start our outside of work friendship. We discovered each other at very important times in our lives, which we related with each other on many different levels. Those adulting levels that not everyone understands. Occasional phone calls became regular phone calls and then we started spending more time together. I always say Brenda and I's friendship was a bit of a surprising one resulting in us both needing each other in many ways. There is always a reason for everything and I can't wait to spend our winters together on a beach, boating and going to live music as often as possible. 

Photo of best friends

In 2008, I rocked my whole world and moved to Des Moines, Iowa knowing a total of 2 people. On my first day at my new job, this handsome fella in a yellow dress shirt and matching tie passed me a few times in the managers office. I finally was introduced Jason, the guy to go to if I had a question about something. I thought he was so nice.  On a side note that I found out later was he thought I was fake and didn't know how to take me. Hilarious!  After a few months of being the new kid on the block and a few more encounters with Jason, he came to my office and asked if I wanted to get together outside of work. 10 years later with many fun times at and outside of work, this guy is a huge joy in my life. Not only did he make my transition to moving to a new city easier, he is one of the kindest most genuine people I have ever met. He would do anything for anyone, including me. He and his partner Justin, have welcomed me repeatedly into their lives and include me as one of the family.  Seeing him at work each day is the best and I look forward to all the adventures we have with our other mutual friends, Kevin and Ryan. 

Photo of girlfriends

Work seems to be a common theme to where I have met my heartbeats, which seems crazy to me but the story continues with this lovely, Amanda. It was the fall of 2009 and I can't remember if it was an email or a phone call, but Amanda was a dietetic intern looking for a preceptor for one of her rotations. I had never met her before she showed up for the finest 2 weeks of her internship in December of that year. I am not sure I really taught her anything but I do know we had a great 2 weeks!  Amanda and I just connected and little did we know we would create a friendship like ours. After she finished up her internship, we stayed in contact and started meeting each other to catch up. This lead to booze and giggles, walking and even a short stint of her living with me. Amanda and I have laughed our assess off together and we have cried our assess off together. Her dog Brody is my boyfriend and she is one of the few humans gangster kitty comes out to see when she is at my house. I would do anything for this one! 

Photo of Tortie Kitty

Finally, I had to mention my date for Valentine's Day. This little shit has given me a run for my money (literally and figuratively) the last month and half. 9 years ago, a stray kitty by the name of Gypsy had 5 babies on my parents deck. 1 calico, 2 black, 1 tuxedo, and 1 tortie adorable little furballs were graciously welcomed into my parents home because my Dad is a sucker for baby anything. Cold weather was soon approaching for these 8 week olds and my Dad decided to build an insulated cat house to keep them comfortable while they lived outside. Well, it didn't last long and the cat house with momma and babies moved into the connected garage. Kitties are sooo fun and so damn cute.  I would love to go home and visit the little stinkers. It was getting to be time to find them all homes, there were 2 boys that went to a farm, 1 girl who went to a friend of mine from work and 3 remained. Gypsy, tuxedo and tortie kitty. I already had Grace, who was also a tortie. After much contemplation, I became the crazy cat lady (still holding strong) and Lil g became my fur baby. The past few weeks she has been sick and we know now she has bladder stones. I am being the best cat mom I can be and I am hopeful she will not need surgery. Tonight, we will dine on a special fish dish and snuggle in for a movie. I couldn't think of a better way to spend my evening. 

Nosh Four. Workout Playlist of the Week. 

There is nothing really romantic about this playlist, so maybe not appropriate for a special dinner or evening with your heartbeat. There are a million songs about love and relationships that are very serious and then there are some adding the element of fun, which is how this playlist was created. Find it on Apple Music and Spotify

Photo of music playlist

Nosh Five. What I Love Right Now. 

Because of the massive amounts of snow, I had to stop at Menards and pick up some oil for the snowblower. As I was wandering around trying to find it, this deliciousness caught my eye. I think these chewy, sweet cherry lovers candy hearts were made just for me. If you're a lover of cherry, you must try these from Gimbal's. Wild cherry, cherry vanilla, black cherry, bing cherry, cherry cheesecake, kiwi cherry, cherry daiquiri and cherry chocolate are all the flavors in the bag and not one of them disappoint.  I might have to stop by tonight and grab one more bag....

Photo of cherry heart candy

The other thing I love this week is Midwest Dairy's recent blog:  The Secret to a Cheesy Valentine's Day is Easier Than You Think. If you are last minute to plan for this special day, go to the link about for a variety of these adorable prints (like the one below). You can print off or share on social media for your loved ones. In the blog, there are fun party and food ideas too. 

Photo of a Valentine

I adore you all for sharing in this day o' love!  


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