
"Everyday is Extraordinary" Weekly Wisdom


An inspirational quote in black letters to the right of a black and white photo of a cute brunette smile.

Does each day sometimes feel like Groundhog's Day?

I cannot tell you how many times I turn off my alarm and ask myself, "didn't I just do this?"  I have experienced the dread - when it feels like the same shit, different day. 

It is all perspective and how you choose to view what experience you are going to have on this day. Each day can start out very "ordinary" but there is no telling what the day will bring. The morning shower might feel a little more luxurious and the morning cup of coffee might be a little more cozy. The afternoon hug from your loved one might be extra tight and comforting or maybe receiving a letter from a friend in the mailbox - there is no telling when the extraordinary will overwhelm you. 

You have the power to make every day extraordinary - it starts in your mind and trickles down through your body and beyond. It not only affects you, but everyone you encounter. You even have the power to make someone else's day extraordinary. 

The next time you experience Groundhog Day vibes, take 2-3 deep breaths, focus on the place you are in that very moment and let the extraordinary in to experience a lovely day ahead. 

#realization | #EmbraceTheHellYeah


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